
The MIRAE AWARD is a program aimed at nurturing next generation artists, where the Art Foundation’s education programs and corporate Mecenat are combined.
The award first started in 2008 as the “Canon Scholarship by Parkgeonhi Foundation”. In 2010, eligible candidates for the contest were expanded to college students across the nation, regardless of their major, to transform the award into “MIRAE AWARD”, in order to provide a hope for all university students who dream in photography.
The three winners selected in the contest will be given cameras and the opportunity to take mentoring and master tutoring classes for six months by professional photographers. Then their work, further enhanced by the training, will be introduced at an exhibition and a publication of the works.
This program was jointly organized and sponsored by Parkgeonhi Foundation and Canon Korea Consumer Imaging Inc.

Details of Support

Three applicants to be selected and supported with a total of KRW 45,000,000
- Each winner receives a Canon DSLR camera.
(Cameras may be replaced by alternatives with similar specifications.)
- Mentoring by photographers nominated by the jury and master tutoring by photographer Koo Bohnchang
- Exhibition
- Publication of works